昆虫食のお話 withChatGPT


Since chatGPT leaks more important things than we can imagine, we asked them about insect eating, which has suddenly become very popular these days. Notable points are highlighted.

Let’s start with a comparison between insects and corn, which is currently the mainstream grain feed.



When did corn start being used as feed?
Also. What are its advantages over other feeds?










Corn has been used as animal feed for many centuries. Its use as animal feed dates back to the early agricultural practices of Native American tribes, who fed it to their livestock.

However, the modern commercial use of corn as animal feed began in the early 20th century when advances in agricultural technology made it possible to grow large quantities of corn. Today, corn is one of the most widely used grains in animal feed, especially for cattle, pigs, and poultry.

1,Corn has several advantages over other types of feed, including:

2,High energy content: Corn is high in starch and provides a significant amount of energy to animals, making it an excellent source of calories for livestock.

3,Nutrient-rich: Corn is a good source of protein, carbohydrates, and fiber, which are essential nutrients for animal growth and health.

4,Cost-effective: Corn is widely available, and its price is relatively low compared to other feeds, making it a cost-effective option for farmers.

5,Palatability: Animals tend to prefer corn over other types of feed, which can help improve their overall feed intake and health.

Versatility: Corn can be used in various forms, including whole corn, ground corn, corn silage, and corn gluten meal, which makes it a versatile feed option for farmers.

Overall, corn’s high energy content, nutrient profile, and cost-effectiveness make it an attractive option for animal feed, particularly for livestock that require a high-energy diet.



What is the advantage of an insect diet over corn?



2,資源の効率的な利用 昆虫は、従来の家畜と同じ量のタンパク質を生産するために、土地、水、飼料などの資源を大幅に削減することができます。例えば、コオロギは牛と同じ量のタンパク質を生産するのに必要な飼料が6倍少なくて済みます。


4,病気感染のリスクを低減 昆虫は、肉や骨粉などの他のタンパク源と比較して、家畜に病気を感染させる可能性が低くなっています



In recent years, there has been growing interest in using insects as a source of animal feed due to their high nutrient content and environmental sustainability. Compared to corn, an insect diet has several advantages:

1,High protein content: Insects are rich in protein, with some species containing up to 70% protein. This makes them an excellent source of amino acids, which are essential for animal growth and health.

2,Efficient use of resources: Insects require significantly fewer resources, such as land, water, and feed, to produce the same amount of protein as traditional livestock. For example, crickets require six times less feed than cattle to produce the same amount of protein.

3,Lower environmental impact: Insect farming produces significantly fewer greenhouse gas emissions and uses less water and land than traditional livestock farming.

4,Reduced risk of disease transmission: Insects are less likely to transmit diseases to livestock compared to other protein sources like meat and bone meal.

5,Diverse nutritional profile: Different insect species contain varying amounts of fat, fiber, and micronutrients, which can provide a diverse nutritional profile for livestock.

Overall, an insect diet can offer significant advantages over corn, particularly in terms of its protein content, resource efficiency, and environmental impact. However, there are still challenges to overcome, such as scaling up insect farming to meet the demand for animal feed and ensuring that the insect species used are safe and free from contaminants.


汚染されてる昆虫って何ですかね?怖いですね。What are contaminated insects? I’m afraid.


Why do we not use insects as livestock feed?








While there has been increasing interest in using insects as a source of livestock feed, there are still some challenges that need to be addressed before insects can become a mainstream feed ingredient. Here are some of the reasons why insects are not yet widely used as livestock feed:

1,Limited research: There is still limited research on the nutritional requirements of livestock for insect-based diets. More research is needed to determine the optimal insect species, processing methods, and inclusion levels in animal feed.

2,Regulatory barriers: In many countries, there are regulatory barriers that prevent the use of insects in livestock feed. For example, in the United States, insects are not yet approved for use as a feed ingredient.

3,Supply chain challenges: The insect farming industry is still in its early stages of development, and there are supply chain challenges to be addressed, such as scaling up production to meet the demand for animal feed.

4,Consumer perception: Insects are not traditionally viewed as a food source in many cultures, and there may be consumer resistance to using insects as livestock feed.

5,Cost: While insects have the potential to be a cost-effective source of animal feed, the current cost of insect production and processing is still relatively high compared to other feed ingredients such as corn and soybeans.

Despite these challenges, there is growing interest in using insects as a source of animal feed due to their high nutritional value and environmental sustainability. With continued research and investment, it is possible that insects may become a more mainstream ingredient in animal feed in the future.


まじかよ。Seriously? 全然ダメじゃん。That’s not good at all.


I see, then, that it is too early to use insects as fodder.





While there are still challenges to be addressed before insects can become a mainstream feed ingredient, there has been progress made in recent years towards using insects as a source of animal feed. In some regions of the world, such as Southeast Asia, insects have been used as a traditional source of protein for both human and animal consumption for centuries.

In addition, there are already some commercial insect farming operations that are producing insect-based products for animal feed, such as cricket protein powders and mealworms. These products are being used as a feed ingredient for aquaculture and pet food.

However, it is true that there is still much to be done before insects can become a widely used source of livestock feed. More research is needed to optimize insect production and processing methods, determine the nutritional requirements of livestock for insect-based diets, and address regulatory and supply chain challenges.

Overall, while it may still be too early to rely on insects as the sole source of livestock feed, they do have the potential to become a valuable and sustainable ingredient in animal diets in the future.



  1. アメリカで飼料としての使用を禁止されている昆虫
  2. 昆虫を家畜の飼料として使用することに消費者の抵抗
  3. 使用する昆虫種を汚染物質がない安全なものにする


  1. Insects Banned for Use as Animal Feed in the U.S.
  2. Consumer resistance to using insects as livestock feed
  3. Ensure that the insect species used are safe and free of contaminants

I think it is illogical for humans to eat such an insect diet that cannot even be used to feed livestock.