小池都知事。樹木を1400本伐採しソーラー発電!?Governor Koike. 1,400 trees cut down to generate solar power!

東京都知事 小池百合子は葛西臨海公園で樹木1400本を伐採 太陽光パネルを設置するという。 神宮外苑でも樹木2000本を伐採する。このプランは、端的に言ってクレイジーである。どれくらいクレイジーなのかをCatGPTに聞いてみた。

Tokyo Governor Yuriko Koike will cut down 1,400 trees in Kasai Rinkai Park and install solar panels. She will also cut down 2,000 trees in Jingu Gaien. This plan is, quite simply, crazy. We asked CatGPT how crazy it is.



In Tokyo, a park, 1,400 trees are about to be cut down. Solar panels will be installed on 2.4 hectares there.
How much will the amount of carbon sequestration be reduced by cutting down these trees? And how much electricity will be generated by the solar panels?





Assuming an average mature tree can sequester around 22 kg of CO2 per year, the 1,400 trees in the park in Tokyo would sequester around 30,800 kg (or 30.8 metric tons) of CO2 per year.

However, if these trees are cut down, they will release the carbon stored in their biomass back into the atmosphere. The exact amount of carbon released would depend on the size and age of the trees, as well as the method of disposal, but it’s estimated that cutting down 1,400 trees could release around 350-400 metric tons of CO2 into the atmosphere.

On the other hand, the solar panels that will be installed on 2.4 hectares of the park can generate a certain amount of electricity. The exact amount of electricity generated would depend on various factors, such as the type and efficiency of the solar panels, the local weather conditions, and the angle and orientation of the panels. Assuming an average solar panel efficiency of 20%, and an average annual solar irradiance of 1,400 kWh/m² in Tokyo, the solar panels on 2.4 hectares could generate around 830,000 kWh of electricity per year.

It’s important to note that while the electricity generated by the solar panels can help reduce carbon emissions by displacing the use of fossil fuels, it cannot fully compensate for the loss of carbon sequestration caused by cutting down trees. Planting new trees or preserving existing forests is also important for mitigating climate change and maintaining biodiversity.



30,800kg/年の二酸化炭素を固定する森林を伐採して出力830,000kwhの太陽光発電にすることは論理的か?Is it logical to cut down a forest that fixes 30,800 kg/year of carbon dioxide to produce solar power with an output of 830,000 kwh?





From a purely environmental standpoint, it is not logical to cut down a forest that fixes 30,800 kg/year of carbon dioxide to produce solar power with an output of 830,000 kWh.

Cutting down trees that are actively sequestering carbon will result in a net increase in atmospheric carbon dioxide, which is one of the main drivers of climate change. While the solar panels may produce clean energy, their production and installation also have environmental impacts, and the amount of electricity generated does not offset the carbon sequestration lost by cutting down the trees.

Furthermore, cutting down a forest can also have other negative impacts on the local ecosystem, including habitat loss for wildlife, erosion, and changes in local weather patterns.

In general, it is important to consider the full range of environmental, social, and economic impacts when making decisions about land use and energy production. This includes evaluating the carbon footprint of different energy sources, as well as the potential impacts on biodiversity, local communities, and other important factors.




In other words.
It’s not a logical plan at all. Nor do they seem to have a proper understanding of the concepts of decarbonization and the SDGs. It is Tokyo today where people like Koike are abusing their power.