昆虫食に辟易Fed up with eating insects


In Japan, there have been daily campaigns recently to promote entomophagy, and even the current minister has demonstrated entomophagy. Frankly, I am fed up with this imposition. And the problems of entomophagy are not reported at all, as is usual in this kind of inflammatory reporting. I would like to discuss what exactly is meant by “insect pollution,” which I mentioned briefly in the previous issue.

共生生物とはなにか What is Symbiosis?






Symbiosis is a type of biological relationship in which two or more different species interact with each other over an extended period of time. In a symbiotic relationship, the species involved may benefit from the interaction, or one may benefit while the other is unaffected or harmed. There are three main types of symbiosis:

1,Mutualism: In mutualism, both species involved in the interaction benefit from the relationship. For example, certain species of bacteria live in the gut of cows and help digest cellulose, while the cow provides a safe and nutrient-rich environment for the bacteria.

2,Commensalism: In commensalism, one species benefits from the interaction, while the other is unaffected. An example of commensalism is the relationship between cattle egrets and cattle. The egrets feed on insects that are disturbed by the grazing cattle, while the cattle are unaffected by the presence of the birds.

3,Parasitism: In parasitism, one species benefits from the relationship, while the other is harmed. Parasites may live inside or outside their host and can cause a range of negative effects, from mild irritation to severe illness or death.

Symbiosis is an important concept in ecology and evolutionary biology, as it can have a significant impact on the survival and success of different species.


What is the typical symbiotic organism that hijacks its host and controls it for its own convenience?


もうひとつの例は、アリの行動を操作する寄生菌Ophiocordyceps unilateralisである。この菌の胞子はアリに付着して体内で成長し、やがてアリの神経系を乗っ取ってコロニーを離れ、植物によじ登らせる。そして、アリは植物に食いつき、死んでしまう。そうすると、菌は体から成長し、胞子を放出し、さらに多くのアリに感染する。


There are several types of organisms that can hijack their host and control their behavior for their own convenience. One example is the parasitic wasp, Hymenoepimecis argyraphaga, which injects a venom into its host, the orb-weaving spider, Plesiometa argyra. The venom causes the spider to build a special type of web that is suitable for the wasp’s egg-laying and survival. Once the web is built, the wasp lays its eggs on the spider’s abdomen and the developing wasp larvae feed on the spider.

Another example is the parasitic fungus, Ophiocordyceps unilateralis, which infects and manipulates the behavior of ants. The fungus spores attach to the ant and grow inside its body, eventually taking over the ant’s nervous system and causing it to leave its colony and climb up a plant. The ant then bites onto the plant and dies, allowing the fungus to grow out of its body and release spores to infect more ants.

These are just a few examples of the many organisms that can hijack their host and control their behavior for their own benefit. The strategies used by these organisms can be complex and varied, and the mechanisms by which they control their host’s behavior are still not fully understood.


既に共生生物に支配された昆虫を粉末にして人間が経口摂取した場合、考えられるリスクはなにか?What are the possible risks if an insect already dominated by a symbiont is powdered and ingested orally by humans?







Insects can host a variety of symbionts, including bacteria, viruses, and fungi, that play important roles in their biology and ecology. If an insect that is already dominated by a symbiont is powdered and ingested orally by humans, there could be several potential risks:

1,Allergic reactions: Some people may be allergic to certain insects or the symbionts they host, and ingesting the insect powder could trigger an allergic reaction.

2,Toxicity: Some insect species can contain toxic compounds, such as alkaloids or heavy metals, that are harmful to humans when ingested. The symbionts may also produce toxins that could be harmful to humans.

3,Infection: Insects can carry a range of pathogens, such as bacteria, viruses, and parasites, that can cause infections in humans. If the insect is not properly prepared or cooked, these pathogens could survive and be transmitted to humans.

4,Unknown effects: There may be unknown or unforeseen effects of ingesting an insect and its symbiont, as research on the topic is limited.

It is worth noting that in some cultures, insects are consumed as a traditional food source and may be prepared in a way that minimizes these risks. However, in general, it is advisable to exercise caution when consuming insects, particularly if they are not prepared or cooked properly.


Symbiotes have evolved to manipulate their hosts to facilitate their own survival and infection.  What is the worst-case scenario for the effects of symbionts when humans orally ingest individuals that have been hijacked by them?





The worst-case scenario for the effects of symbionts when humans orally ingest individuals that have been hijacked by them could include severe and potentially life-threatening symptoms.

For example, some symbionts can manipulate their host’s behavior, causing them to act in ways that benefit the symbiont’s transmission or survival. If a human were to ingest an insect or other host that was infected with such a symbiont, it could potentially lead to altered behavior or cognitive function in the human.

Additionally, some symbionts can produce toxins or other harmful compounds that can cause severe illness or even death in humans. For example, some strains of bacteria in the genus Vibrio produce toxins that can cause cholera, a potentially deadly disease.

It is important to note that not all symbionts are harmful to humans, and some may even have potential benefits. However, as with any dietary choice, it is important to exercise caution and understand the potential risks before consuming insects or other hosts that may be infected with symbionts.




Insect-eating has been extremely limited in human history. There must be a reason our ancestors avoided it. We should not simply accept insect diets because they are an efficient source of protein.