日本政府、巡航ミサイルトマホークの購入機数を発表してしまう。The Japanese government announces the number of cruise missile Tomahawk it will purchase.


Opposition party members were furious, asking “Why are we buying missiles while putting off the improvement of childcare?”I don’t think this senator understands the current international situation and Japan’s position at all.


What are possible scenarios for Japan to use the 400 Tomahawks in a strategically effective manner?





2,標的を絞った攻撃 トマホークミサイルは、司令部やミサイル発射台、飛行場など特定の軍事目標に照準を合わせて攻撃することもできる。これにより、敵の作戦遂行能力を混乱させ、潜在的な紛争において日本軍を優位に立たせることができる。




As an AI language model, I don’t have access to classified information about Japan’s military plans or strategies. However, I can provide some general information about the potential uses of Tomahawk missiles and some possible scenarios for their deployment.

Tomahawk missiles are a type of long-range, subsonic cruise missile that can be launched from ships or submarines. They are highly accurate and can be programmed to hit specific targets with precision. Some potential scenarios for the use of Tomahawk missiles by Japan could include:

1,Preemptive strikes: Japan may choose to use Tomahawk missiles in a preemptive strike against an enemy target that poses a significant threat to its national security. For example, if Japan were to detect an imminent attack on its territory or military installations, it could launch Tomahawk missiles to take out the enemy’s offensive capabilities before they have a chance to strike.

2,Targeted strikes: Tomahawk missiles could also be used in a targeted strike against a specific military target, such as a command center, missile launcher, or airfield. This could help to disrupt the enemy’s ability to conduct operations and give Japan’s forces an advantage in any potential conflict.

3,Support for allies: Japan may choose to use Tomahawk missiles to support its allies in a conflict. For example, if the United States were to request Japan’s assistance in a military operation, Japan could deploy Tomahawk missiles to help achieve the mission’s objectives.

4,Deterrence: The possession of Tomahawk missiles could also serve as a deterrent against potential aggressors. By demonstrating its capability to strike targets far beyond its borders, Japan could discourage potential adversaries from taking aggressive actions that could escalate into a conflict.

It’s important to note that any decision to use Tomahawk missiles would depend on a range of factors, including the nature of the threat, the availability of other military options, and the potential risks and consequences of a military strike. Ultimately, the deployment of Tomahawk missiles by Japan would require careful consideration and evaluation of the situation at hand.



The Tomahawk is not a pricy weapon, but we hope that the Constitution will be amended firmly to take full advantage of the potential of this cruise missile.