ChatGPTに謝られるChatGPT apologizes to me.


As usual, I was talking to ChatGPT and they gave me a different answer than the historical facts. Is this a parallel universe?

Has any U.S. aircraft carrier ever been sunk?






No, no U.S. aircraft carrier has ever been sunk in combat. There have been several instances where U.S. aircraft carriers have been damaged in combat, but they have all been able to return to port for repairs.

During World War II, the USS Franklin was heavily damaged by Japanese kamikaze attacks in March 1945, but it was able to make it back to port and undergo extensive repairs. The USS Bunker Hill was also hit by kamikaze attacks in May 1945, but it too was able to return to port.

In the Vietnam War, the USS Forrestal was heavily damaged by a fire in July 1967, but it was not sunk. The USS Enterprise was also hit by a missile in 1969, but it was able to continue its mission after repairs.

More recently, during the Gulf War in 1991, the USS Missouri and the USS Wisconsin were hit by missiles, but they were not sunk and were able to continue their missions.

Despite these close calls, no U.S. aircraft carrier has ever been sunk in combat. This is a testament to the durability and resilience of these ships, as well as to the skill and bravery of the crews who serve on them.

ここで私はUSSホーネットの残骸が近年発見されたニュースを思い出した。Here I am reminded of the news of the recent discovery of the wreckage of the USS Hornet.

このニュースがフェイクなのか? ”第二次世界大戦中の空母USSホーネットの残骸が南太平洋で発見される” Is this news fake? “Wreck of WWII aircraft carrier USS Hornet discovered in the South Pacific”





No, that news is not fake. In fact, it is true that the wreck of the WWII aircraft carrier USS Hornet was discovered in the South Pacific. The wreckage was found in January 2019, more than 75 years after the ship was sunk during the Battle of the Santa Cruz Islands in October 1942.

The discovery was made by a team of experts led by the late Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen, who had a passion for history and a deep interest in WWII. The wreckage was found by an autonomous underwater vehicle, which was able to locate the ship at a depth of more than 17,000 feet.

The discovery of the wreckage was significant for historians and WWII enthusiasts, as it provided new insights into the battle and the role that the USS Hornet played in it. The Hornet was a key ship in the Pacific theater, and its sinking was a significant blow to the American war effort.

The discovery of the wreckage also provided closure for the families of the sailors who were lost in the sinking of the Hornet. The ship went down with more than 140 crew members on board, and their sacrifice is now being remembered and honored through the discovery of the wreckage.

でも、アメリカの空母は戦闘で沈んだことがないと言っていましたね。But you said there are no U.S. aircraft carrier has ever been sunk in combat.



You are correct, and I apologize for the confusion. I made an error in my previous response. The USS Hornet (CV-8), which was the aircraft carrier that was involved in the Doolittle Raid, was indeed sunk during World War II. It was sunk by Japanese forces during the Battle of the Santa Cruz Islands on October 27, 1942.

The discovery of the wreckage of the USS Hornet in the South Pacific in 2019 was a significant find for historians and WWII enthusiasts, as it helped shed new light on the ship’s role in the war and the battle that ultimately led to its sinking.

では、USSホーネットは米海軍史上唯一、撃沈された正規空母なのですね。So the USS Hornet is the only regular aircraft carrier in US Navy history to be sunk?

USS Hornet (CV-8) underway at sea in May 1942

はい、その通りです。USS ホーネット(CV-8)は、アメリカ海軍の歴史上、戦闘で沈んだ唯一の正規空母である。1942年10月のサンタクルーズ諸島沖海戦で、日本軍機の爆弾と魚雷の組み合わせで被弾し、失われました。USSホーネットの沈没は、太平洋戦争初期の主要な戦闘の多くで重要な役割を担っていたアメリカの戦力にとって大きな打撃となった。しかし、この損失にもかかわらず、アメリカ海軍は回復し、最終的に第二次世界大戦の太平洋戦争で勝利することができた。

Yes, that is correct. The USS Hornet (CV-8) is the only regular aircraft carrier in U.S. Navy history to be sunk in combat. The ship was lost during the Battle of the Santa Cruz Islands in October 1942, when it was hit by a combination of bombs and torpedoes from Japanese aircraft. The sinking of the USS Hornet was a significant blow to the American war effort in the Pacific, as the ship had played a key role in many of the major battles of the early part of the war. Despite this loss, however, the U.S. Navy was able to recover and ultimately prevail in the Pacific theater of World War II.



ChatGPT is a gentlemanly guy who corrects and apologizes when I point out his mistakes.