The Doolittle Raid


In Tokyo, there are still remnants of the Second World War. This is one of the places where the United States first conducted air raids on Japanese mainland after the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor by the Japanese army.


In the place within Tokyo city that is now a kindergarten, there is only a simple sign displayed and hardly anyone pays attention to the historical fact that occurred there.


is here

This cheap sign reads as follows.


At noon on April 18, 1942, this area suffered the first air raid to the Japanese mainland by U.S. forces bombers. It was about 4 months after the Japanese military had attacked the Pearl Harbor on December 8, 1941. This area around the current Ogu Bridge was the first to suffer damage. At about 12:20, the second aircraft of the Doolittle squadron dropped 3 bombs and 1 incendiary bomb. According to the survey conducted by the Metropolitan Police Department, in Ogu, there were 10 deaths, 34 serious injuries, 14 minor injuries, 43 total loss of house by fire, 9 complete collapses, 1 partial loss to fire, and 13 partial collapses. At the drop point, a hole with a diameter of 10 m and depth of 5 m was created causing houses to collapse and destruction of water, sewage and gas pipes. Also, some houses were completely destroyed by the fires caused by incendiary bombs. At that time, the water of the Sumida River could not be used for extinguishing due to low tide, but the fire was extinguished at 13:50 by the efforts of local people.

アメリカサイドの説明はこうです。The U.S. side explains it this way.






The Doolittle Raid was a bombing raid carried out by the United States Army Air Forces on April 18, 1942, during World War II. The raid was named after its leader, Lieutenant Colonel James “Jimmy” Doolittle, and it was a response to the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941.

The raid consisted of 16 B-25 Mitchell bombers, which were launched from the aircraft carrier USS Hornet. The planes flew to targets in Tokyo and other cities in Japan, dropping bombs on military and industrial targets.

The raid was significant for several reasons. It was the first air raid to be launched from an aircraft carrier, and it demonstrated the ability of the United States to strike back at Japan after the attack on Pearl Harbor. It also provided a morale boost for the American people, who had been shocked by the attack on Pearl Harbor.

After the raid, the planes flew towards China, where the crews either bailed out or crash-landed. Most of the crews were able to evade capture, although several were captured by the Japanese and executed.

While the raid did not cause significant damage to Japanese infrastructure, it had important strategic implications. It forced the Japanese to divert resources to defend their homeland, and it also convinced them that they needed to eliminate the American aircraft carriers that had launched the raid. This led to the Battle of Midway in June 1942, which was a decisive victory for the United States and a turning point in the war in the Pacific.

クルーはどうだったのでしょうか?How ware the crew did?





The crew of the Doolittle Raid performed admirably under very difficult circumstances. The mission was extremely risky, and the crews knew that they were flying into enemy territory with limited fuel and no chance of landing safely in Japan.

Despite these challenges, the crews of the 16 B-25 bombers were able to successfully take off from the USS Hornet and fly to their targets in Japan. They dropped their bombs on military and industrial targets, and then flew towards China, where they either bailed out or crash-landed.

The crews faced many challenges after they landed in China. They were far from friendly territory, and many of them had to evade capture by the Japanese. Some were helped by Chinese civilians, while others were captured and tortured by the Japanese.

Overall, 69 of the 80 crew members who participated in the raid survived the mission, although some were injured and some were captured by the Japanese. The mission was considered a success, both in terms of the damage inflicted on the Japanese and in terms of the boost it gave to American morale during a difficult time in the war. The crews of the Doolittle Raid were celebrated as heroes and received numerous awards for their bravery and service.

もし、近くに寄った際は、散歩して、見てくださいIf you happen to be nearby, please take a walk and have a look.