水素は何故、理想の燃料と言われているのか?Why is hydrogen considered an ideal fuel?


Currently, there is no technology or application that clearly shows the superiority of hydrogen. To put it more bluntly, the potential benefits of hydrogen rely on the development of future technologies. So why is there such a large investment in this type of fuel? The main reason is that it has the potential to be a decarbonized energy source, which is politically desirable even if it may not be practical at present.

Q1,もし、水素をとても安価に製造できると仮定した場合、水素をどのように安全保管するのか・あるいはどのように輸送することが考えられているのでしょうか?Assuming that hydrogen could be produced very cheaply, how would hydrogen be safely stored/transported?









If hydrogen could be produced very cheaply, it would still need to be safely stored and transported. Hydrogen is a highly flammable gas, and its storage and transportation present certain challenges.

There are several methods for storing hydrogen safely:

Compressed gas storage: This involves compressing hydrogen gas into high-pressure cylinders. These cylinders are designed to withstand the high pressure and can be transported safely.

Liquid hydrogen storage: This involves cooling hydrogen gas to -253°C, which turns it into a liquid. Liquid hydrogen takes up less space than compressed gas and can be transported in specialized cryogenic containers.

Metal hydride storage: This involves storing hydrogen gas in metal alloys that absorb and release hydrogen. Metal hydride storage can be used for small-scale applications, such as portable fuel cells.

Chemical storage: This involves storing hydrogen in a chemical form, such as ammonia or methanol. The hydrogen can be released by a chemical reaction when needed.

As for transportation, hydrogen can be transported through pipelines, just like natural gas. However, this requires special pipelines that can handle the high pressure and corrosion caused by hydrogen. Another option is to transport hydrogen in tankers, similar to how liquid natural gas is transported.

In any case, safety is of the utmost importance when storing and transporting hydrogen. Proper safety measures and regulations must be in place to ensure that hydrogen is handled safely at all times.


輸送コストをトータルに考えた場合、水素に価格優位性はあるのでしょうか Compared to other liquid fuels, storage, and
Does hydrogen have a price advantage when considering the total cost of storage and transportation compared to other liquid fuels?






The total cost of storage and transportation of hydrogen compared to other liquid fuels depends on several factors, including the method of production, the storage and transportation technology, and the distance of transportation.

When it comes to production, the cost of producing hydrogen is highly dependent on the method used. If hydrogen can be produced using renewable energy sources such as solar or wind, it can be very cost-competitive with other liquid fuels. However, if hydrogen is produced from fossil fuels, the cost may not be as competitive, as the production process emits carbon dioxide and requires energy.

In terms of storage and transportation, hydrogen has some advantages and disadvantages compared to other liquid fuels. Liquid fuels such as gasoline and diesel have a higher energy density, meaning they can store more energy per unit of volume than hydrogen. This makes it easier to store and transport liquid fuels over longer distances. However, liquid fuels also come with the risk of spills and leaks, which can have serious environmental consequences.

Hydrogen, on the other hand, has a lower energy density than liquid fuels, which means that more space is needed to store and transport the same amount of energy. This can increase the cost of transportation and storage. However, hydrogen has the advantage of being a clean fuel with no emissions when used in fuel cells, and it can be produced using renewable energy sources.

Overall, the cost of storage and transportation of hydrogen compared to other liquid fuels depends on the specific circumstances and technologies used. As hydrogen technology continues to develop, it may become more cost-competitive with other liquid fuels in terms of storage and transportation.


Q3,水を電気分解して水素を得る場合、コストは他の可燃ガスに対してどれくらい優位なのでしょう? What is the cost advantage of electrolyzing water to obtain hydrogen over other combustible moths?






The cost advantage of electrolyzing water to obtain hydrogen over other combustible molecules depends on several factors, including the cost of electricity, the efficiency of the electrolysis process, and the cost of producing and transporting the other combustible molecules.

Electrolyzing water to obtain hydrogen involves splitting water molecules into hydrogen and oxygen using electricity. The electricity used in the process can come from renewable sources, such as solar or wind, which can make the process very cost-competitive. However, if the electricity used comes from non-renewable sources, the cost may not be as competitive, as the production process emits carbon dioxide and requires energy.

The efficiency of the electrolysis process also plays a role in the cost advantage of hydrogen over other combustible molecules. High-efficiency electrolysis systems can produce hydrogen with a lower amount of energy, reducing the cost of production. However, if the electrolysis system is not efficient, it can increase the cost of producing hydrogen.

When it comes to other combustible molecules, the cost advantage of hydrogen depends on the cost of producing and transporting those molecules. For example, methane can be produced from natural gas, but the cost of transporting natural gas can be high. Biofuels can also be produced, but the cost of producing and transporting the feedstocks can be high.

Overall, electrolyzing water to obtain hydrogen can have a cost advantage over other combustible molecules if renewable energy sources are used and the electrolysis process is efficient. However, the cost advantage may vary depending on the specific circumstances and technologies used.


Q4,なぜ、敢えてエネルギー密度が少なく、従来のエネルギー源と比較して、貯蔵と輸送に不利な水素を推し進める必要があるのですか?それは政治的イシューからですか?Why should we dare to promote hydrogen, which has a low energy density and is less favorable for storage and transportation compared to conventional energy sources? Is it because of political issues?







There are several reasons why hydrogen is being promoted as a potential energy source, despite its lower energy density and challenges with storage and transportation. These reasons include:

1,Decarbonization: Hydrogen can be produced using renewable energy sources such as solar and wind power, and when used in fuel cells, it produces no greenhouse gas emissions. This makes hydrogen a promising option for decarbonizing the energy sector and reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

2,Energy security: Hydrogen can be produced domestically, reducing reliance on imported oil and gas. This can improve energy security and reduce the geopolitical risks associated with dependence on foreign sources of energy.

3,Versatility: Hydrogen can be used in a wide range of applications, from transportation to heating and power generation. This versatility makes it an attractive option for meeting different energy needs.

4,Innovation: The development of hydrogen technology is driving innovation in areas such as fuel cells, electrolysis, and hydrogen storage. This can lead to new advancements in energy storage and transportation that may have applications beyond hydrogen.

While political issues may play a role in the promotion of hydrogen, the primary reasons for promoting hydrogen are related to its potential benefits for decarbonization, energy security, versatility, and innovation. The challenges associated with hydrogen storage and transportation are being addressed through technological advancements, and as these technologies continue to develop, hydrogen may become a more cost-competitive and widely used energy source.



率直に言うと、水素を実用的に利用できる分野は、ロケット燃料としてくらいではなかろうか。Frankly speaking, the only area where hydrogen can be used practically is as rocket fuel.