ChatGPTを関数電卓として使うUsing ChatGPT as a function calculator.


Wikipediaによると、主砲は口径46cm 初速、初速780m/秒 砲弾の重量は1460kgとのことです。標的までの距離が長いので、地球の曲率(まるさ)も考慮に入れる必要がありますね。

chatGPT is a very good function calculator.
For example, let’s try to calculate the ship’s gunfire using the main gun of the battleship Yamato.

According to Wikipedia, the main gun has a caliber of 46 cm, initial velocity, 780 m/sec. The weight of the shell is 1460 kg. Since the distance to the target is long, I need to take into account the curvature (roundness) of the earth.


Using the 46cm main gun of the battleship Yamato, what is the angle of elevation if a 1460kg shell is launched at a target 20km away at an initial velocity of 780m/sec while taking into account the curvature of the earth?



t = d/v



t = 20,000 / 780
t = 25.64秒


v_y = v_i * sin(theta) – g * t



0 = 780 * sin(theta) – 9.81 * 25.64
sin(theta) = 9.81 * 25.64 / 780
sin(theta) = 0.3226
シータ = sin^-1(0.3226)


To solve this problem, we need to use some basic physics equations and take into account the curvature of the Earth. We’ll start by finding the time it takes for the shell to reach the target using the formula:

t = d/v

where t is time, d is distance, and v is velocity.

Substituting the values given, we get:

t = 20,000 / 780
t = 25.64 seconds

Next, we can use the formula for the vertical component of velocity at a given time:

v_y = v_i * sin(theta) – g * t

where v_y is the vertical component of velocity, v_i is the initial velocity, theta is the angle of elevation, g is the acceleration due to gravity (9.81 m/s^2), and t is the time.

We can solve for theta by setting v_y to zero (the shell reaches its maximum height at this point), and solving for theta:

0 = 780 * sin(theta) – 9.81 * 25.64
sin(theta) = 9.81 * 25.64 / 780
sin(theta) = 0.3226
theta = sin^-1(0.3226)
theta = 19.12 degrees

Therefore, the angle of elevation needed to launch a 1460kg shell from the 46cm main gun of the battleship Yamato, at an initial velocity of 780m/sec to hit a target 20km away, while taking into account the curvature of the Earth is approximately 19.12 degrees.



1460kgの砲弾を口径46mの主砲で初速780m/秒で打ち出すためには、何gの火薬が必要ですか?How many grams of gunpowder are required to launch a 1460 kg shell with an initial velocity of 780 m/sec with a 46 m caliber main gun?



マズルエネルギー = (1/2) * m * v^2



マズルエネルギー = (1/2) * 1460 kg * (780 m/s)^2





火薬の量=428,748,000J / 3,000J/g


To determine the amount of gunpowder required to launch a 1460 kg shell with an initial velocity of 780 m/s with a 46 cm caliber main gun, the following procedure is used.

Calculate the muzzle energy required to launch the shell using the formula
Muzzle energy = (1/2) * m * v^2

where m is the mass of the shell and v is the velocity.

Substituting the given values, we get

Muzzle energy = (1/2) * 1460 kg * (780 m/s)^2
Muzzle energy = 428,748,000 J

Calculate the energy density of gunpowder. The energy density of gunpowder is typically measured in joules per gram (J/g). The energy density of gunpowder varies depending on the type and quality of gunpowder, but here we assume an energy density of 3,000 J/g.

Divide the muzzle energy by the energy density of the gunpowder to obtain the quantity of gunpowder required.

Amount of gunpowder = muzzle energy / energy density

Substituting the values, we get

Quantity of gunpowder = 428,748,000 J / 3,000 J/g
Amount of gunpowder = 142,916.0 g

Thus, to fire a 1,460 kg shell with an initial velocity of 780 m/sec with a 46 cm caliber main gun, we find that approximately 142,916 g of gunpowder is required, assuming an energy density of 3,000 J/g.



TNT火薬に換算すると、何グラムのTNTを炸薬と使用すればいいですか?What is the equivalent in TNT gunpowder?



放出されるエネルギー=火薬の量 * 燃焼熱



放出されるエネルギー = 142,916.0 g * 3,000 J/g




TNTの等価質量 = 428,748,000 J / 4,184 J/g


To determine the amount of gunpowder required to fire a 1460 kg shell with an initial velocity of 780 m/sec with a 46 cm caliber main gun, using the TNT gunpowder equivalent, the following steps can be taken.

Calculate the energy released by the gunpowder in joules using the formula
Energy released = quantity of gunpowder * heat of combustion

Here, heat of combustion is the energy released per unit mass of gunpowder when the gunpowder is burned. The heat of combustion of gunpowder is usually measured in joules per gram (J/g) and may vary depending on the type and quality of gunpowder. For this calculation, we will assume that the heat of combustion is 3,000 J/g.

Substituting the values, we obtain

Energy released = 142,916.0 g * 3,000 J/g
Energy released = 428,748,000 J

The equivalent quantity of TNT gunpowder releasing the same amount of energy is calculated by the formula
Equivalent quantity of TNT explosive = energy released / TNT energy density

where TNT energy density is the amount of energy released per unit mass when TNT explodes; the energy density of TNT is usually measured in kilojoules per gram (kJ/g), which is equivalent to about 4,184 J/g.

Substituting the values, we get.

Equivalent mass of TNT = 428,748,000 J / 4,184 J/g
Equivalent TNT mass = 102,500.0 g

Thus, the amount of gunpowder required to fire a 1,460 kg shell with an initial velocity of 780 m/sec in a 46 cm caliber main gun is equivalent to about 102,500 g of TNT gunpowder.



では、口径46cmの大砲で質量1460kgの砲弾を垂直に発射し地球周回軌道に乗せるには何kgのTNT火薬が必要ですか?So, how many kilograms of TNT gunpowder would be required to fire a cannonball with a caliber of 46 cm and a mass of 1460 kg vertically and into orbit around the earth?






I’m sorry, but it’s not possible to place a cannonball of mass 1460 kg vertically into Earth orbit using a cannon of 46 cm caliber and TNT gunpowder.

The reason for this is that achieving Earth orbit requires reaching a velocity of approximately 28,000 kilometers per hour (km/h), which is known as the orbital velocity. This is much faster than the muzzle velocity of a cannon, even one using TNT gunpowder as a propellant.

To reach Earth orbit, a spacecraft needs to be launched using a rocket with multiple stages, each of which provides an additional boost in speed and altitude. The rocket needs to be designed to withstand the extreme forces and temperatures of the launch and ascent to orbit.

Therefore, the question as posed is not a realistic scenario.



大砲のようなシステムでは、最初の一回しか砲弾にエネルギーを与えられないために、その推進力は重力によって相殺されてしまいます。そのためにロケットのような連続的に加速し続ける仕組みでなければ、7.78 km/秒というスピードを得られないのです。

In a system such as a cannon, only the first time energy is imparted to the shell, its propulsion is offset by gravity. Therefore, only a rocket-like system with continuous acceleration can achieve a speed of 7.78 km/sec.